Your LinkedIn Profile should be your Virtual Sales Assistant
LinkedIn is a science!
It is so much more than just a mere Social Media Platform!
LinkedIn is the place professional business executives network by sharing valuable industry information and knowledge. This is where your ideal client spends their time making it easy for you to find them, to engage and build relationships with them – way before the actual sales presentation takes place.
This is powerful!
Utilising the LinkedIn platform effectively is a game changer for your business and if you do not experience this daily, all I can say is you are leaving money on the table.
The science behind LinkedIn is simply to focus on building relationships by establishing an online community that you can serve. Yes, you can absolutely build a tribe right here on LinkedIn that ultimately will reach out to you asking to buy your products and services.
The secret lies in focusing on their needs and what is in it for them – not yours!
You never ever have to go out with ‘spammy’ or ‘sales’ messages damaging your personal or business brand.
The focus should always be on adding value first and by adding huge value to your LinkedIn community. Once you have become a Thought Leader, an Expert, a ‘Cannot do Without’ resource for them, you will create enough curiosity to receive a visit your profile as they would seek to know who you really are.
…And there lies the power!
Your profile acts as a Virtual Sales Assistant for you – if setup the correct way.
To setup your LinkedIn Profile as a Virtual Sales Assistant you must remember that LinkedIn is a sellers’ market. We are all on LinkedIn to introduce our businesses, products, and services. The first hurdle your profile will need to overcome is what I call a ‘disrupt’. While your profile visitors might visit your profile to learn more about you, they also are there to qualify you as their ideal clients.
You literally have 3 seconds to grab their attention and provide them with a compelling reason to want to connect or follow you, to scroll down to also read your About, Experience, Content, Skills and Endorsements as well as all your Recommendations.
Here are the 3 main elements to achieve this
1. Banner
You need to pay attention to your banner as it is the first opportunity you will have to disrupt them. Your banner also represents your brand and the adage of ‘first impressions lasts’ must not be ignored. The picture must tell and benefit the story of the benefit they will receive. You need some text to address their main pain point and the solution all in a very short but catchy phrase.
2. Profile Picture
Your profile picture must be the best representation of you but only a head and shoulder image. You need to look into the camera and smile, almost like saying ‘Welcome to my world’
3. Headline
The headline is not for purposes of creating credibility by listing your position, experiences, or achievements. It should answer three main questions your profile visitor has:
a. Who are you serving and assisting?
b. What will they gain?
c. How do you do it?
That should be your main headline message. If you would like to add achievements like Author or Speaker do that once you answered these questions but always focus on the profile visitor first.
Of course, you also now need to focus on the other profile sections as well as your keywords and hashtags but that we can discuss later.
This small but subtle change to your profile will reposition your profile as a virtual sales assistant assisting you to focus on creating value for the LinkedIn community you are serving.
Here is an example of a Sales Assistant LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/tillydavies/
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If you need quick results within 48 hours to transform your LinkedIn Profile into a Virtual Sales Assistant, remember the MarketingCX team, with over 6 years’ experience assisting thousands of LinkedIn users, are experts in setting up LinkedIn Profiles. We set up LinkedIn profiles account for success! Learn more: https://marketingcx.info/makeover
2. LinkedInBuddy Weekly Webinar Workshop
The LinkedInBuddy Weekly Webinar Workshop is a free no sales LinkedIn Marketing Information session to assist in providing LinkedIn hands-on solutions, how to guides and impactful marketing strategies, since August 2020.
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Our MarketingCX founder, Tilly Davies, addressed the question if we should focus on generating leads or networking within LinkedIn.
But first what is the difference?
Consider this:
Marketo defines lead generation as the marketing process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service for the purpose of developing a sales pipeline.
Investopedia defines networking as the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting.
On LinkedIn the safest bet is a good healthy balance of the two concepts.
When you focus too much on generating leads you could come across as spammy or salesy. However, be careful to avoid networking all together.
Often, we find an invitation to connect. So, we accept and then nothing… No reaching out via messaging to welcome me or at least an introduction.
So why do people want to connect but not network… Do they really expect to just engage with their post updates?
Well newsflash guys, the likelihood that your post will be viewed is almost guaranteed zero unless you have a established a LinkedIn tribe that know, like and trust you!
We need to start networking on LinkedIn without the mindset of ‘Buy my stuff’.
LinkedIn is a social networking platform. Not every connection, even if they are a perfect match to your ideal client avatar, will become a lead or a client. But they can assist with referrals, introductions or even market and industry information.
And you will never know if you either focus on spamming people or remain passive.
The easy way? Just focus on networking, creating conversations and building a LinkedIn community to serve well.
Tilly did a deep dive and explained:
1. The Know, Like and Trust Principle
2. Networking vs Lead Generation
3. LinkedIn Attraction Marketing
4. Outbound Campaigns using a Funnel System
5. Using branding in your Content
6. Telling a story via Messaging
7. How to manage and measure the relationship building process in LinkedIn